Barbados Judo Association. +1246-436-2608

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St. Cyprian’s Boys’ Judo Club

The St. Cyprian’s Boys’ Judo Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the teaching of traditional Kodokan judo.  The Club was founded in January 2015 and caters primarily to the boys of the St. Cyprian’s Preparatory Boys’ School.

Our aim is to bring the benefits of judo the young boys, as it is our belief that you are never too young to enjoy the discipline, since judo is not just a sport – it is a way of life.

The club is managed by a Committee of Management comprising a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Technical Directors.

The Club meets and trains at Canon Gordon Hazelwood Chapel at the St. Cyprian’s Preparatory Boys’ School.  Currently training is conducted by Professor Hoskins Caddle (6th Dan) – Chief Instructor and Mr. Carlos Cox.

Training Days

Mondays and Wednesdays              -               3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Club contacts

Mr. Tony Latchman                             -               President                              (246) 232 3123

Mrs Lois Inniss                                     -               Secretary                               (246) 823 5070

Professor Hoskins Caddle              -               Chief Instructor                     (246) 436 2608

Further information can be obtained from any of the above persons or by emailing your queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
